Sunday, April 1, 2012

Service Learning at Broach School

In two weeks we are doing our service learning project with the Broach School in Bradenton. The Broach School is located at 3005 26th Street West, Bradenton, FL. The phone there is 757-2525.  There isn't much parking at the Broach School but you can park directly across 26th Street in the parking lot for the Catholic Church and Catholic School. You are expected to be there by 9:00 a.m. and we will finish by 11:00 a.m. The students will have some art supplies. You should bring some supplies of your own if you want to use them. Please bring your laptop if you want to work digitally.

This week we will discuss the Broach school collaboration and what we will do there. I hope each student will think about how they want to approach the collaboration and we will review those plans and transportation plans next week. After we work with the students there please mount a copy of your joint work on your blog and email me a copy or a link so I can set up a documentation page for the project.

This is the final week we can devote most of the class to working on your tablet comic. Next week we will  plan our collaborations with the Broach School students and work on a collaboration in class. On Monday, April 16 we will go to the
Broach school and the week after that we will show our tablet comics in class. The final assignment for the semester will be to create a You-Tube Video that will be designed to help future students or others make a comic for a tablet. Choose one topic and develop that topic in your video. Suggested length is 3- 5 minutes.


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